divendres, 24 de setembre del 2021
divendres, 17 de setembre del 2021
Canvi climàtic
Bella ciao contra el canvi climàtic
We need to wake up
We need to wise up
We need to open our eyes
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
We’re on a planet
That has a problem
We’ve got to solve it, get involved
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
Make it greener
Make it cleaner
Make it last, make it fast
and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
No point in waiting
Or hesitating
We must get wise, take no more lies
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
Més de 80.000 persones es van reunir el 2012 a més de 180 ciutats i pobles de Bèlgica per exigir als polítics que prenguin mesures més dràstiques per plantar cara al canvi climàtic. Ho van fer versionant i cantant ben alt el Bella ciao. El temps passa, però avui més que mai ens toca tornar a arromangar-nos, alçar la veu i protegir el nostre món abans que sigui massa tard.
We need to wake up
We need to wise up
We need to open our eyes
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
We’re on a planet
That has a problem
We’ve got to solve it, get involved
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
Make it greener
Make it cleaner
Make it last, make it fast
and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
No point in waiting
Or hesitating
We must get wise, take no more lies
And do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
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